BTW: My sincerest apologies for the ads and pop-ups!!!!
John Lennon and his 'blue' guitar
Imagine when they're old (from the 70's fanzine INNER LIGHT)
A rare item given to me from a PBS auction: a promo for Live at BBC CD. (A detail: John's button also says 'I sometimes play the fool.')
From the San Jose (CA) METRO alternative newspaper, April 2002. A makeover for Paulie's image?
Cool image from Paul's sheet music for Waterfalls
Backwards Pepper
"It's a cold, cold place..."
Paul's shirt is dead!
Bollywood Hole...Beatlemania in full flower!
The girl cat who ate two canaries...!
Paul fondling his album....
"Oh, but...just one....arg!..."
A photographer pops out of Paul's pants pocket and snaps one off!
Paul: Rape victim. John: Fleeing. Hmmmmm......;-)
Who goosed the drummer???
Who DOESN'T love Ringo??
Great cool image of Johnny....borrowed from some other site.
Joke image of crewcut fabs on 1964 bubblegum card
Paul and Heather, showing off her best asset....heehee
KING George of Tambourinia
The band that hugs together........
An Empty Abbey Road...!
John Lennon and Friend
A Stella McCartney Design (bless you Stella!!!!)
The Fab FORE!!!
The most COLORFUL group in history!!!!!
From MAD Magazine, 1969 (NOT 1977). THEY weren't fooled, they called it!
They set the world on fire....
Paul's 2002 Tour poster